The Heart of the Tree Questions and Answers

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Why do you think that a nation’s growth depends upon planting trees, as hinted at in the poem ‘The Heart of the Tree’ by Henry Bunner? Or, What according to the poet ‘stirs’ in his heart who plants a tree? […]

Last updated August 20, 2020

27981 views1 answers20 votes

Please mention the poetic devices or Figures of speech used in Henry Cuyler Bunner’s poem The Heart of the Tree.

Last updated August 11, 2020

121675 views2 answers75 votes

Comment on the title of the poem The Heart of the Tree. Is it suitable for the theme?

Last updated June 30, 2020

43508 views5 answers27 votes

How do the last three lines of second stanza of the poem ‘The Heart of the Tree’ explain the process of regeneration? Or, How does the man plant the forest’s heritage? Or, In what sense is a tree “the harvest […]

Last updated April 24, 2020

24962 views2 answers9 votes

What is the figure of speech used in the first five line of the first stanza of the poem “The Heart of the Tree” by Henry Cuyler Bunner?

Last updated April 18, 2020

9635 views2 answers6 votes

Name the two things a tree planter actually plants. Give any two phrases that describes a tree in Henry Cuyler Bunner’s poem “The Heart of the Tree”. Or, List any two things that man will do by planting trees.

Last updated March 4, 2020

19893 views2 answers28 votes

What is the meaning of ‘the flag of breezes free’ in the poem ‘The Heart of the Tree’ by Henry Cuyler Bunner?

Last updated February 8, 2020

19246 views7 answers16 votes

What is known as “mother croon of bird”? Why is the song sung in a hushed voice? Or, What is heard in the quiet hush of the evening hours, as told in the poem “The Heart of the Tree” by […]

Last updated February 3, 2020

27322 views3 answers16 votes

Explain ‘shaft of beauty’ in Henry Cuyler Bunner’s poem ‘The Heart of the Tree’.

Last updated February 3, 2020

21626 views2 answers18 votes

Who does the poet address to in the poem “The Heart of the Tree” by Henry Cuyler Bunner?

Last updated December 1, 2019

14712 views3 answers1 votes