What is meant by ‘shaft of beauty’? What is compared to the shaft?

QuestionsWhat is meant by ‘shaft of beauty’? What is compared to the shaft?
shivangi sahu asked 6 years ago

Explain ‘shaft of beauty’ in Henry Cuyler Bunner’s poem ‘The Heart of the Tree’.

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2 Answers
Ankit bajaj answered 5 years ago

The shaft of beauty actually mean ‘the beam of beauty’. As the tree grows high with its long narrow stem, it looks like a beautiful tower. Here the stem is compared to a shaft.

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Staff answered 6 years ago

In Henry Bunner’s poem ‘The Heart of the Tree’, the ‘shaft of beauty’ is the trunk of the tree.
It is compared to a flagpole that holds the flag-like branches high in the sky.

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