Significance of TITLE of the poem “The Heart of the Tree”.

QuestionsSignificance of TITLE of the poem “The Heart of the Tree”.
Gyan asked 8 years ago

Comment on the title of the poem The Heart of the Tree. Is it suitable for the theme?

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5 Answers
Staff answered 8 years ago

The title of Henry Cuyler Bunner’s poem The Heart of the Tree is apparently very simple. It looks like the poet wants to hail the trees for their usefulness in keeping life on earth. But actually it has a metaphor in it.

Throughout the poem, the poet has tried to prove the greatness of the man who plants a tree. To fulfill his aim, the poet has talked of mainly three different kinds of achievement of that man in three different stanzas:

  • The man, firstly, helps in keeping the Environment beautiful and maintaining the ecological balance.
  • Secondly, by planting a tree, the man helps the future generations to live a safer and happier life.
  • And last but not the least, the man performs his duty to his fellow men and contributes to the nation’s growth by planting a tree out of his civic sense.

Now, the poem ends with the lines, giving a hint at the title:

A nation’s growth from sea to sea
Stirs in his heart who plants a tree.

This last line is very important as it shows the man’s heart, his feelings, dreams and wishes behind planting the tree. He has got a bigger heart to love his neighbours and his nation unconditionally. And here is the point of similarity between that man and a tree. A tree gives us many useful things and helps in many ways to keep the earth habitable (livable). It does all these unconditionally, as if out of its love to the nature, to the earth. And the man who plants a tree has also got the same — the heart of the tree. That is why the title is just and apt for the poem.

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Akshat answered 5 years ago

The title of the poem ‘The heart of the tree’ is appropriate because the poem focuses on the values and the utilities of a tree. The poem refers to the ‘heart’ of the tree — what kind of heart it possesses. It is kind, generous and magnanimous. It blesses all those who take care of it or even who neglect it. Wherever a tree is planted, it turns the place into heaven.

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Sanya Khatri answered 5 years ago

The title of the poem THE HEART OF THE TREE is apt and suggestive as it describes the numerous benefits of a tree who possess a large generous and  magnanimous heart 

It in addition to the planter’s heart beams unconditional love for its neighbors, surroundings and nation.

It doesn’t discriminate between anyone and blesses all — those who care for it as well as those who neglect it which highlight its characteristic LARGE HEARTED nature and is correlated well with the title of the poem.

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Anonymous answered 5 years ago

The heart of a tree is big and kind.

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Afra answered 5 years ago

The tree can give us a lot of benifits, resources and utilities. The growth of a nation is possible only by planting trees. Thus the title is apt as a tree is very useful for humans.

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