Who does the poet address to in the poem “The Heart of the Tree”?

QuestionsWho does the poet address to in the poem “The Heart of the Tree”?
Zoya asked 6 years ago

Who does the poet address to in the poem “The Heart of the Tree” by Henry Cuyler Bunner?

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3 Answers
Staff answered 6 years ago

The poem “The Heart of the Tree” is addressed to the readers. The poet does not use any second person pronoun like ‘you’. But, he just asks the same question “What does he plant who plants a tree?” in the opening line of each stanza and attempts to answer it by himself.

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Amshik answered 5 years ago

The poet is conveying a message which is told in the poem to all the people who are cutting trees. 

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Swastika answered 5 years ago

The poet here describes the innumerable benefits of planting trees and the shade and shelter they bring to all life. The poet through this poem conveys the message that the person who plants a tree is like a God as he thinks of his society and of his nation and therefore he plants a tree.

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