Why do parents let their children watch television for long?

QuestionsWhy do parents let their children watch television for long?
Aman asked 7 years ago

According to poet Roald Dahl in the poem ‘Television’, why do parents let their children watch television for long?

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3 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

According to the poet, people allow their children to watch television for long hours because it keeps them quiet. While watching TV they neither climb out the window sill nor fight, kick or punch. They leave the parents free to cook the lunch or wash dishes in the sink. So, in short, parents let them to watch TV because it keeps them away from all the nasty things they do to disturb others.

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Saurabh Jaiswal answered 7 years ago

The television proves to be useful for the parents because children do not fight and let their parents complete their household chores peacefully.The television hypnotises the children and keeps them occupied This proves to be convenient to their parents.

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Krishika Mehra answered 2 years ago

The parents allow children to watch televison because it keeps them occupied due to which they do not fight, punch or kick each other…The telivision hypnotises childrens due to which they do not climb or peep out the casements. While watching television, they sit and stair at a place for so long. In this way, televisions keep the children engaged and let their parents do the household chores peacefully as well as fulfil their need of entertainment.

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