What should be done to save the children from the hypnotism of television?

QuestionsWhat should be done to save the children from the hypnotism of television?
Bharti Verma asked 7 years ago

What measures does the poet suggest to save the children from the hypnotism of television in the poem “Television” by Roald Dahl?

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3 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

According to the poet, to save the children from the addiction and other ill-effects of television watching, the parents should —

  • never let their children near the television set,
  • throw away the idiotic box, and
  • install a lovely bookshelf in its place and fill the shelves with lots of books.
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Aneja answered 5 years ago

the poet has suggested to throw the set and install a bookshelf on the wall and after some time when the children have nothing to do..they will eventually start reading books and slowly it will become their habit

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upal answered 5 years ago

The poet suggests that parents should not install the idiotic box at home and rather install a bookshelf in its place. It helps us increase our creative faculty and saves us from loss of our imaginative power staring at the idiotic box.

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