Nine gold medals by David Roth
Last updated January 25, 2019
How is the theme of brotherhood explored in the poem “Nine Gold Medals” by David Roth?
Last updated October 31, 2018
What is the background of the poem ‘Nine Gold Medals’ by David Roth?
Last updated April 12, 2018
Why does the poet David Roth repeat the last line of the poem “Nine Gold Medals” — Said more than these words ever will?
Last updated February 7, 2018
In the poem “Nine Gold Medals” by David Roth, what does the line “To run for the gold, for the silver and bronze” indicate?
Last updated January 7, 2018
This question is from the poem ‘Nine Gold Medals’ by David Roth.
Last updated January 5, 2018
What is ‘Special Olympics’? Or, Why did the banner say “Special Olympics”? What made the event really special in the poem ‘Nine Gold Medals’ by David Roth?
Last updated December 9, 2017
How does the poem Nine Gold Medals by David Roth show the value of true sportsmanship?
Last updated November 29, 2017
“These were nine resolved athletes in back of the starting line”. Why does the poet call the athletes ‘resolved’? in the poem “Nine Gold Medals” by David Roth?
Last updated November 23, 2017
Where did the athletes come from so many countries and Why as stated in the poem “Nine gold medals” by David Roth?
Last updated November 19, 2017