Chief Seattle's Speech Questions and Answers

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What proposition of the White people does the speaker refer to in “Chief Seattle’s Speech”? Under what conditions would it be acceptable according to Seattle?

Last updated April 16, 2020

13323 views2 answers4 votes

How does Chief Seattle compare the number of the tribal people with that of their white counterpart in his famous speech of 1854?

Last updated April 12, 2020

19900 views3 answers15 votes

Discuss Seattle’s speech as a documentation on the way in which the white people of America have brought the Tribal people to their days of doom.

Last updated March 4, 2020

17091 views2 answers2 votes

Under what condition is the good father going to protect the native people? What is meant by bristling wall of strength?

Last updated February 24, 2020

12916 views2 answers2 votes

What does the speaker say about the difference of religion between the White and the Red people in Chief Seattle’s Speech, 1854?

Last updated December 19, 2019

34547 views2 answers21 votes

What is ‘the common destiny’ between the tribal people and the white people that Seattle speaks about in his speech delivered in Washington in 1854? (Chief Seattle’s Speech)

Last updated September 20, 2019

25574 views3 answers14 votes

How can you conclude that the native Americans are more dependent on their ancestors than the White people? Or, According to Chief Seattle, how is the white people’s attitude towards their ancestor different from that of the tribals, the natives of […]

Last updated September 16, 2019

13817 views2 answers2 votes

In Chief Seattle’s speech who are referred to as ‘White Chief’, ‘Great Chief’, ‘Big Chief’ and the ‘Good Father at Washington’? Who had sent proposal of buying Red Indians’ land?

Last updated August 19, 2019

41712 views2 answers17 votes

In what respects does Chief Seattle wish their father in Washington to regard the native Americans his own children, as expressed in Chief Seattle’s Speech, 1854?

Last updated July 30, 2019

16121 views2 answers12 votes

Who are Haidas and Tsimshians mentioned in Chief Seattle’s Speech, 1854? In what way are they related to the Red Indians?

Last updated June 18, 2019

15443 views3 answers4 votes