Is Naidu’s opinion about middle aged women positive or negative in The Bangle Sellers?

QuestionsIs Naidu’s opinion about middle aged women positive or negative in The Bangle Sellers?
Atul Mishra asked 7 years ago

How does the poetess feel about middle-aged women in the poem “The Bangle Sellets” by Sarojini Naidu? Does she have a positive or a negative opinion about them? Support your answer with reference from the poem.

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1 Answers
Staff answered 6 years ago

In the last stanza of the poem “The Bangle Sellers”, the sellers say that the purple and gold-flecked grey bangles are suitable for the middle-aged woman who has “journeyed through life midway”, raised her children well, and remained faithful to her husband and family. 
Clearly, the poet’s opinion is positive here. The middle-aged woman is regarded as successful in her life by raising her “fair sons”, serving her household with “fruitful pride“, praying to the God at her husband’s side, that is by remaining true to her husband. The poetess glorifies the women for their respect to the culture and tradition of the society.

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