Happiness lies in enjoying the little things around us. How is this idea conveyed in “The Bangle Sellers”?

QuestionsHappiness lies in enjoying the little things around us. How is this idea conveyed in “The Bangle Sellers”?
shatabdi asked 7 years ago

Happiness lies in enjoying the little things around us rather than waiting for big things to happen. How is this idea conveyed in the poem “The Bangle Sellers” by Sarojini Naidu? Give examples from the poem.

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1 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

In the poem “The Bangle Sellers” the poet Sarojini Naidu celebrates the roles of little things like bangles in life. She calls them “Loustrous tokens of radiant lives / For happy daughters and happy wives”. So, bangles, though very trifle, are associated with the happiness of women.
Moreover, the poet has described how various colours of bangles represent various stages of a woman’s life. She has compared the bangles with beautiful objects of nature like the mountain mist, the buds, field of sunlit corn and so on. A woman’s concerns and feelings at various stages are mentioned. And all these create an air of joy throughout the poem, emphasizing the theme that happiness lies more in enjoying the little things of life around us than waiting for the big things to happen.

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