What are the vulgar lines used in the poem ‘The Professor ‘

QuestionsWhat are the vulgar lines used in the poem ‘The Professor ‘
Tathya Banerjee asked 7 years ago

What are the lines in Nissim Ezekiel’s poem ‘The Professor’ that depict vulgarism?

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3 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

 “You were so thin, like stick,
Now you are man of weight and consequence.”

This is also an example of vulgarism.

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Srijita Naskar answered 7 years ago

“How many issues you have? three?
That is good. These are days of family planning.”

This line depicts vulgarism.

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Sana Parmar answered 7 years ago

The last lines of the poem portray vulgarism if their literal meaning is taken: opposite house’s ‘backside’

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