My Greatest Olympic Prize Questions and Answers

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What was the Nazis’ Aryan superiority or Aryan-supremacy theory, as mentioned in the story “My Greatest Olympic Prize” by Jesse Owens?

Last updated December 29, 2021

32307 views2 answers56 votes

In ‘My Greatest Olympic Prize’, what does the author mean by ‘hot under collar’ and ‘Der Fuhrer’?

Last updated August 11, 2021

14677 views2 answers14 votes

What does the author consider as his greatest Olympic prize in Owens’ story with the same name?

Last updated August 11, 2021

26489 views3 answers14 votes

It was said for Jesse Owens that his outstanding performance affirmed that individual excellence rather than a race or national origin distinguishes one man or woman from another. Comment with reference to Jesse Owens’ autobiographical account “My Greatest Olympic Prize”.

Last updated August 11, 2021

15830 views2 answers19 votes

What was Luz Long’s response when Jesse Owens won the gold medal in the board jump finals? Comment on the trait of his character revealed in his action, as expressed in “My Greatest Olympic Prize”.

Last updated August 11, 2021

15415 views1 answers11 votes

Describe how Luz Long and Jesse Owens performed in the board jump finals as narrated in Jesse’s own account “My Greatest Olympic Prize”.

Last updated July 7, 2021

12395 views1 answers8 votes

Luz wanted Owens to do his best in the finals, even if that meant his own defeat. How does it reflect the theme of Owens’ autobiographical account “My Greatest Olympic Prize”?

Last updated July 23, 2020

26154 views2 answers16 votes

I wasn’t too worried about all this. What was Jesse Owens not so worried about in his autobiographical writing “My greatest Olympic Prize”? Why?

Last updated April 14, 2020

16975 views2 answers8 votes

Who is Luz Long in “My Greatest Olympic Prize” by Jesse Owens?

Last updated May 26, 2018

16924 views1 answers7 votes

What does Jesse mean by ’24-carat-friendship’? How and when was there a “real friendship” formed between Owens and Luz as expressed by the author in “My Greatest Olympic Prize”?

Last updated April 15, 2018

25112 views1 answers29 votes