How did luz long respond to Owens’ winning the gold? What does it reflect about Luz’s character?

QuestionsHow did luz long respond to Owens’ winning the gold? What does it reflect about Luz’s character?
Arif Jamal asked 6 years ago

What was Luz Long’s response when Jesse Owens won the gold medal in the board jump finals? Comment on the trait of his character revealed in his action, as expressed in “My Greatest Olympic Prize”.

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1 Answers
Staff answered 6 years ago

Luz Long was genuinely happy when Owens won the gold medal in the board jump finals in Berlin Olympics 1936. He was the first man to congratulate Jesse when he landed from his final jump. Luz shook Jesse’s hand hard with a smile, that the author felt, was not the fake smile of a broken heart.
Luz Long’s action reveals the true friendship he felt for Jesse, in spite of being his rival in the event. It’s all about his friendly nature and the sportsman spirit in his character.

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