What was the speaker’s intention in suggesting that they take a taxi to the club?

QuestionsWhat was the speaker’s intention in suggesting that they take a taxi to the club?
Kshirsagar Deepika asked 7 years ago

Why do you think did the speaker say “Let’s take a taxi up to the Club.” in Stephen Leacock’s story “My Lost Dollar”?

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1 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

In Stephen Leacock’s short story “My Lost Dollar’, the speaker’s intention in suggesting his friend Todd that they should take a taxi was to remind him of the dollar that Todd had borrowed from the speaker for paying his taxi fare on the 8th of April the previous year.
Actually it seemed that Todd had forgotten that he owed a dollar to the speaker and so he mentioned taking a taxi in a desperate attempt to arouse his memory by the correlation.

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