Narrator’s social position in Stopping by Woods

QuestionsNarrator’s social position in Stopping by Woods
Anonymous asked 8 years ago

What does Robert Frost’s poem ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ hint about the speaker’s social position and attitude towards life?

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1 Answers
Staff answered 8 years ago

The poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” does hint a lot about the narrator’s social position. The speaker is clearly a humble person with a lot of responsibilities on his shoulder. He can’t afford to stand long on his way wasting his time in enjoying the beauty of the nature. Moreover, he was somewhat relieved that the owner of the woods won’t see him standing there watching his woods covered with snow. It indicates that he belongs to a lower position than the owner of the woods. Not only that, the horse on which the speaker was travelling is called “my little horse”. That too may indicate that the speaker was a poor man and couldn’t afford to buy a good horse.

The poem also reveals the speaker’s character and attitude. He was somewhat conscious of his lower social position but was most probably a happy man. The narrator used to enjoy what nature and life offered him. He was also a dutiful person, as revealed in the last stanza of the poem. He wanted to fulfill all his responsibilities and enjoy the life through working.

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