Justify the title of the poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.

QuestionsJustify the title of the poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.
Suchanda Mandal asked 7 years ago

Comment on the appropriateness of the title of the poem “Stopping by woods on a snowy evening” By Robert Frost.

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3 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

Robert Frost’s poem ‘Stopping by Woods’ shares with us an experience of the speaker who stopped on his way to enjoy the beauty of the snowy-filled woods one evening. Though he wanted to stay there for longer to watch the lovely dark and deep woods, he could not. He had to go, as he had promises to keep and a long way to go before he sleeps.

So, the title of the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is rather simple and straightforward. It is something that suggests the very outline of the story that someone stopped by the woods on a certain snowy evening. Moreover, this title has the potential to build curiosity, as people generally don’t stop in the dark woods, that too on a snowy evening. So, we the readers feel that there might be something interesting in it. So, thematically, the title is just and apt.

But of course, given the allegorical interpretation of the poem, the title could have been something more symbolic like “Miles to Go Before I Sleep” or even “Promises to Keep”. But Frost was a poet who did not like to experiment in terms of technique in poetry. So, he went for a rather straightforward choice of title in “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”, and that is an apt choice too.

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Cherry answered 2 years ago

The poem’s title is STOPPING BY THE WOODS ON A SNOWY EVENING……The title tells about the narrator or the man stopping in the woods on a snow-filled day…..He has promises to keep and responsibilities to fulfill

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Sudip Bagchi answered 1 year ago

One deep dark evening, the speaker was heading towards his destination. While passing through a forest, he was captivated by its beauty, and suddenly stopped there to enjoy it. His sensible horse alarmed him about the the dangers of stopping there at that time of the day, and even without a farmhouse to pass the night. The speaker realized his mistake, and resumed his journey.

Thus the entire setting of this short narration is limited to the bounds of the woods. So the title of the poem is quite appropriate.

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