How does the poet suggest that life is full of joy and sorrow?

QuestionsHow does the poet suggest that life is full of joy and sorrow?
Aketoli asked 7 years ago

In while line(s) of the poem ‘In the Bazaars of Hyderabad’ does Sarojini Naidu suggest that life is full of joy and sorrow?

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4 Answers
Arunadhi answered 6 years ago

Naidu suggests both joy and sorrow of life in the very last stanza of the poem when she describes how white flowers are used in weddings (joy) and used in the funerals of loved ones (sorrow).

“What do you weave, O ye flower-girls?
With tassels of azure and red?
Crowns for the brow of a bridegroom,
Chaplets to garland his bed.
Sheets of white blossoms, new-garnered
To perfume the sleep of the dead.”

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Staff answered 7 years ago

Naidu suggests both joy and sorrow of life in the very last stanza of the poem when she presents the flower girls who are selling crowns for the brow of a bridegroom, chaplets to decorate his bed and also the sheets of white blossoms to perfume the death-bed.

What do you weave, O ye flower-girls?
With tassels of azure and red?
Crowns for the brow of a bridegroom,
Chaplets to garland his bed.
Sheets of white blossoms, new-garnered
To perfume the sleep of the dead.

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Shreyan palit answered 5 years ago

The speaker contrasts both joy and sorrow in the last stanza of the poem not because she thaught that flowers are a thing of beauty and a treat for eyes but to say that india is a land of diverse culture like the diverity among flowers.😍

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Sasha answered 4 years ago

Sarojini Naidu suggest that flowers are a treat for the eyes during joyful occasions like weddings. But at the same time, flowers are also used during sorrowful occasions like funerals to perfume the sleep of the dead.

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