What is the importance of Question-answer form in ‘In The Bazaars of Hyderabad’

QuestionsWhat is the importance of Question-answer form in ‘In The Bazaars of Hyderabad’
Anonymous asked 8 years ago

Why is Sarojini Naidu’s poem In The Bazaars of Hyderabad in the question-answer form? Who asks and who replies the questions in the poem?

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2 Answers
Staff answered 8 years ago

If the poet would have described the bazaar scene from her side, it would seem monotonous and rather dull. Moreover, the poet doesn’t know the names, materials or uses of every object available there. But the merchants know all these. So delivering those information from the merchants themselves would look more natural and would not make it dull. So the poet has decided to make it in the form of a series of questions and answers.

In the poem the narrator [or, the poet] is asking the questions and the merchants reply.

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Arnav N Vasishta answered 2 years ago

The poetess, Sarojini Naidu had written this poem in the form of questions and answers because she did not want to make the poem boring.. She wanted the poem to have a musical effect and to be in an interactive manner. She had written this poem from her own experience in the lively bazaars of Hyderabad. The way she had described the good showed how keen she was on the vibrant goods of Hyderabad

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