Why can’t the narrator recall what happened after the boy died?

QuestionsWhy can’t the narrator recall what happened after the boy died?
Srishti Ghosh asked 7 years ago

Why do you think that the narrator cannot recall what happened after the soldier boy died in the poem ‘Small pain in my chest’ By Michael Mack? Is it normal that he can’t remember his actions?

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3 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

The narrator was just overwhelmed with his painful feelings at the death of the soldier who deserved to be alive. He has seen the soldier boy, responded to his call, helped him, talked to him, felt his concerns and seen him yield to the injury. So he cannot but feel sorry for the soldier boy. It was more so because the boy had to die for no fault on his part. He was just a victim of the evil warmongering business. So it was the pity of war that made him forget his actions for that moment. It’s quite natural and it happens even with us.

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sakshi answered 7 years ago

The narrator could not recall as he was grieved and traumatized and did not know what was going around him . He was in pain and agony of losing a soldier for selfish needs of others.

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Jahnavi answered 7 years ago

According to me the narrator could not recall what happened after that as he was in such grief and depressed as the solider boy died with no fault of his.
Even in his dying hour he was smiling and energetic and referred his pain as a small pain

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