What does Naidu suggest in the last line of the poem “The Gift of India”?

QuestionsWhat does Naidu suggest in the last line of the poem “The Gift of India”?
Bittu mondal asked 7 years ago

What does the poetess Sarojini Naidu suggest in the last line of her poem “The Gift of India”?

Remember the blood of my martyred sons!

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3 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

In the above mentioned line, Naidu suggests martyrdom for the countless Indian soldiers who fought for the British in the World War I and gave their lives. The speaker in the poem, Mother India, asks that the blood of her martyred sons be remembered and they be honoured as well for their sacrifice, when people in the foreign countries would pay homage to their own martyred comrades.

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Aman Singh answered 5 years ago

In the above mentioned line the poet Sarojini Naidu requests the world to remember the blood of her martyred sons who fought bravely in the First World War and lost their life for someone else.

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Narayani Dutt Pandey answered 4 years ago

In the last lines of the poem Sarojini Naidu expresses mother India’s feelings after the wars are over and peace flourishes once again and all the foreign countries who will be thanking to their brave martyrs with love then they should remember India’s contribution in making them win and the drops of blood which every brave Indian soldier had shed to bring them this glory of peace and love.

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