Who is the speaker in the poem “The Gift of India”? What has the speaker given to the East and the West?

QuestionsWho is the speaker in the poem “The Gift of India”? What has the speaker given to the East and the West?
Nikhitha asked 8 months ago
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1 Answers
Staff answered 7 months ago

The speaker in Naidu’s poem “The Gift of India” is Mother India.

Mother India gave many valuable things like food (grains), clothes (raiment), and precious metals like gold, diamond, silver etc. to other nations of the East and the West. But the most precious gift she gave was the lives of her brave sons. She sent them to fight in wars in foreign lands, bringing honor to others.

Is there ought you need that my hands withhold,
Rich gifts of raiment or grain or gold?
Lo! I have flung to the East and West
Priceless treasures torn from my breast,
And yielded the sons of my stricken womb
To the drum-beats of duty, the sabers of doom.

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