Chief Seattle's Speech Questions and Answers

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In what way does Chief Seattle make the Red Indians prepared for their doom in his speech?

Last updated August 28, 2017

6115 views1 answers1 votes

In Chief Seattle’s Speech, why does the speaker say “Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people”?

Last updated August 27, 2017

14232 views2 answers3 votes

From Chief Seattle’s speech / treasure trove (icse), explain the above line.

Last updated August 21, 2017

10990 views1 answers1 votes

How does the speech of the Chief show that his people were oppressed?

Last updated August 13, 2017

14590 views3 answers5 votes

What does the White Man’s God deprive the Red Children of America as complained by Seattle in his great speech of 1854?

Last updated August 3, 2017

10097 views2 answers2 votes

In Chief Seattle’s speech, the speaker says “They seem to be orphans who can look nowhere for help.” Why?

Last updated July 30, 2017

11639 views1 answers4 votes

In Chief Seattle’s Speech, why and how does the speaker compare the tribal people of America to the waves of wind-ruffled sea and rapidly receding tide?

Last updated July 26, 2017

13441 views1 answers2 votes

What does Chief Seattle think on the premature doom of his tribe, the Red Indians?

Last updated July 16, 2017

8834 views1 answers3 votes

In Chief Seattle’s Speech how does he strike a note of reconciliation between the white people and the tribal people?

Last updated July 15, 2017

13638 views1 answers7 votes

In Chief Seattle’s Speech, how do the Red Indian people regard the ashes of their ancestors?

Last updated June 28, 2017

9944 views1 answers5 votes