Explain the role of vendors, pedlars and maidens in the poem.

QuestionsExplain the role of vendors, pedlars and maidens in the poem.
munna asked 8 years ago

What role do the vendors, pedlars and maidens play in Sarojini Naidu’s poem ‘In the Bazaars of Hyderabad’?

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3 Answers
Staff answered 8 years ago

The vendors, pedlars and maidens play an important role in the poem to present an outstanding picture of an Indian market. The poet’s motive was to show the diversity and self-sufficiency of an Indian market in British India. The native Indian culture and tradition are glorified and showcased in the poem. And these people like pedlars and vendors are an inseparable part of that picture. Not only the vendors, pedlars and maidens, but also the magician, the musicians, the goldsmiths, the flower girls – all play the same role in the poem ‘In the Bazaars of Hyderabad’.

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Rakesh Raman answered 4 years ago

The vendors weigh and sell goods like saffron, pulses and rice. The maidens (young girls) grind sandalwood, henna and spice. The travelling traders or pedlars sell small things which are toys like chessman and ivory dice.

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Geeta answered 12 months ago

Meaning of maidens, pedlars and vendors in the poem ‘In the Bazaars of Hyderabad’ of Sarojini Naidu is to show the diversity of the Indian market in the period of Britishers and to show the world that we did not need any other country to rule us. Not only maidens, vendors and pedlars but all the shopkeepers. Maidens grind Sandlewood, henna, spice etc. and sell them. They are young girls who are unmarried. Vendors sell saffron, lentil and rice.

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