Why Hyderabad is chosen to represent an Indian market?

QuestionsWhy Hyderabad is chosen to represent an Indian market?
Anonymous asked 8 years ago

Why has the poet Sarojini naidu selected the market in Hyderabad, not anywhere else, to represent an Indian market in her poem ‘In The Bazaars of Hyderabad’?

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3 Answers
Iona answered 7 years ago

Hyderabad is a typically Indian site where the glory of our Indian heritage is still prevalent. It’s not that after the British rule Hyderabad traditions are affected. Hence the poet has chosen Hyderabad as an ideal setting for her poem.

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Staff answered 8 years ago

Hyderabad was the poet’s birthplace and the family settled there. So Sarojini has seen the market there closely and it’s natural to write about the market that she has seen.

I’ll appreciate if anyone can suggest any other point. Please write an answer below in that case.

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Shribha tomar answered 7 years ago

Hyderabad is a typically Indian site where we can still see our heritage 

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