Questions and Answers

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Rabindranath Tagore in his poem “Abhisara – the Tryst” has used two different seasons to show different phases of Vasavadatta’s life. Discuss how and why has he done so.

Last updated May 6, 2024

1063 views1 answers5 votes

Justify the title of Tony Hoagland’s poem “Why I Like the Hospital”.

Last updated May 6, 2024

478 views1 answers2 votes

Please write a 15-line summary of William Blake’s poem “The Chimney Sweeper” (Songs of Experience).

Last updated May 4, 2024

206 views1 answers0 votes

Write a descriptive paragraph / composition on The Nightingale in 100 to 150 words.

Last updated May 1, 2024

137 views1 answers0 votes

From the poem “Telephone Conversation” by Wole Soyinka

Last updated April 17, 2024

291 views1 answers1 votes

Though the caged bird sings for freedom, the free bird doesn’t do so. What do you think is the reason behind the free bird not singing for freedom?

Last updated April 11, 2024

200 views1 answers0 votes

George Bernard Shaw’s “Candida” is a mystery play. Do you agree?

Last updated April 10, 2024

311 views1 answers1 votes

What difference does the poet Maya Angelou show between a free bird and a caged bird in her poem ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’? Or, Compare the life of a free bird to that of the caged bird. […]

Last updated March 25, 2024

78435 views3 answers115 votes

How does the professor describe his present situation in life in Nissim Ezekiel’s poem “The Professor”?

Last updated March 19, 2024

205 views1 answers0 votes