Literary device in “My mind ran at high speed, my body crept behind”?

QuestionsLiterary device in “My mind ran at high speed, my body crept behind”?
Sunny asked 4 weeks ago

“My mind ran at high speed, my body crept behind” — Which of the following lines contains the same literary device as the one in the lines given above?
a) All the world’s a stage
b) death, be not proud
c) some sat poised like mud grenades
d) for who can bear to feel himself forgotten

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1 Answers
Staff answered 4 weeks ago

The figure of speech in the line “my mind ran at high speed, my body crept behind” is antithesis.

Antithesis is used when two opposite or contrasting ideas are presented in a sentence to create a striking contrast. In this case, the fast movement of the mind (“ran at high speed”) is contrasted with the slow movement of the body (“crept behind”). This emphasizes the disparity between the mental and physical states of the speaker, highlighting how the mind is energetic and active, while the body is sluggish or tired.

Additionally, the line also contains personification, as both the mind and body are described with human-like actions (“ran” and “crept”), giving them qualities of movement usually attributed to living beings.

So, to answer your  question, the alternatives given in the question do not contain antithesis, but option b) “Death, be not proud” contains personification where ‘death’ is personified using the adjective ‘proud’.

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