How are the last lines an assertion of the patriot’s faith in god?

QuestionsHow are the last lines an assertion of the patriot’s faith in god?
Narendra Nath Datta asked 6 years ago

The last stanza of the poem “The Patriot” by Robert Browning asserts the patriot’s faith in God. Discuss.

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1 Answers
Staff answered 6 years ago

In the last stanza of The Patriot, the narrator expresses his faith in God by saying that he feels safer now that not having got full recognition in this human world, he will be rewarded for his deeds by the Almighty in heaven. The patriot is going through a tough time in his life. He is being taken to be executed in front of the masses. He feels that he is being punished wrongly as people have misunderstood him and his deeds. But he is neither afraid nor regretful, for he knows that God is there to reward him according to his true merit after his death. This only asserts the patriot’s strong faith in God.

‘Tis God shall replay: I am safer so.

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