How does Seattle describe that his people were numerous once upon a time?

QuestionsHow does Seattle describe that his people were numerous once upon a time?
Anushka asked 7 years ago

How does the speaker in ‘Chief Seattle ‘s Speech’ express that his people were many once upon a time?

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2 Answers
Sagnik Saha answered 6 years ago

Seattle says that once Red Indians covered the land as the waves of a wind ruffled sea covers its shell-paved floor. He also says that his people used to be like teeming multitudes that one filled this vast land as stars fill the entire firmament. He also says that his people were like the descendants of mighty hosts that once filled this broad land or lived in happy homes protected by Great Spirit will remain to mourn over the graves of a people once more powerful and hopeful than White men.

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Staff answered 6 years ago

In his famous 1854 speech, Chief Seattle describes the numerous people of his tribe once upon a time by comparing them to the ‘waves of a wind-ruffled sea covering its shell-paved floor’.

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