Why does the soldier boy call his pain a ‘small pain’?

QuestionsWhy does the soldier boy call his pain a ‘small pain’?
Anonymous asked 8 years ago

Why does the soldier boy call his pain a ‘small pain’ in Michael Mack’s poem ‘Small Pain in My Chest’?

or, Why is the words “a small pain in my chest” repeated in the poem?

or, Comment on the title of the poem. Is it justified?

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1 Answers
Staff answered 8 years ago

The title of the poem Small Pain in My Chest is used ironically. The expression “small pain” is repeatedly used in the poem only to make sure we get the irony and get that well. As we go through the poem, it gets clearer that the pain was not at all a small one, rather it was a fatal injury that the soldier boy succumbed to. So the poet might be hinting that the injury of the soldier boy is not a great injury compared to the shock the narrator received and the destruction war can cause.

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