Has the poet romanticised war in ‘Small Pain in My Chest’?

QuestionsHas the poet romanticised war in ‘Small Pain in My Chest’?
N.Pramanik asked 7 years ago

Do you think that the poet Michael Mack has romanticised war in his poem ‘Small Pain in My Chest’?

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1 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

Romanticised? Not at all. Rather, the poet has deglamorized war in the poem ‘Small Pain in My Chest’. By describing how the boy received the injury, how his fellow soldiers died in the battle, and finally by depicting the narrator’s feelings at the death of the soldier boy the poet has wanted to draw our pity for the war victims. The poet has strongly disapproved of war and all romantic illusions regarding it. The poem is regarded as a great anti-war poem in English.

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