Enumerate the initial reactions of children if there is no television.

QuestionsEnumerate the initial reactions of children if there is no television.
Vyshnavi asked 7 years ago

Enumerate the initial reactions of children if parents act according to the poet and throw away the television sets as told in the poem ‘Television’ by Roald Dahl.

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1 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

Roald Dahl in his poem ‘Television’ advises the parents to throw the TV set away and in its place install a lovely bookshelf on the wall and fill that with a lot of books. The poet says that the children initially do a number of things in disappointment and anger, but they will finally adapt to it and find more joy in books than in television.
The initial reactions of the children if a parent acts according to the poet might be like the following, as the poet mentions —

  1. staring with dirty looks
  2. screaming and yelling
  3. bites and kicks
  4. hitting others with sticks
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