What type of bangles are befitting for a maiden’s wrist? Why are silver and blue colours compared to the mountain mist?

QuestionsWhat type of bangles are befitting for a maiden’s wrist? Why are silver and blue colours compared to the mountain mist?
shrey asked 8 years ago

Which bangles are befitting for a maiden’s hands as described in the second stanza of the poem the bangle sellers? Why are silver and blue coloured bangles compared to the mountain mist?

Or, What colours of bangles are preferred by the virgin maidens?

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10 Answers
Staff answered 8 years ago

According the the poet Sarojini Naidu in her poem The Bangle Sellers, there are some particular kinds of bangles that are suitable for the maidens. They are Silver and Blue in colour like the mountain mist. Some of them are ‘flushed’, that is pink and light red in colour like flower buds growing beside a woodland stream. And others are bright like a glowing bloom that divides the transparent beauty of new born green leaves.

Silver and blue coloured bangles are compared to the mountain mist because of the resemblance of colour and also because it symbolizes purity. (Credit: Samrat Dutta)

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Samrat Dutta answered 8 years ago

I think that the colors blue and silver are compared to the mountain mist because they symbolize purity.

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Rahul answered 6 years ago

They are compared to mountain mist because the Virgin maidens have same longings  as high as the mountains. Also the mountains are very high and seems to touch the  blue sky.. so they are blue as mountain mist.

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Adish answered 6 years ago

According to Sarojini Naidu the bangles suitable for the maiden’s wrist are silver and blue coloured bangles like silver and blue mountain mist. This symbolises the virginity of a maiden. Pink shaded bangles are also suitable like the flowers ready to blossom and like the clear dew drops on new born flowers which symbolises the freshness and beauty of a young maiden.

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Smruneel Nilang Shah answered 6 years ago

Bangles which are suitable for a maiden’s wrist are :
1) Silver and blue as the mountain mist
2) Flushed (red) like buds
3) Green as the new leaves

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Shruti answered 6 years ago

Silver and blue colours are compared to mountain mist because cloudiness in mountainous area is a mixture of both blue and silver colour. Same is the colour of bangles of virgins as there is new freshness in beauty of maidens, similar to fresh bluish-grey fog in mountains.

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Chhandashree sarkar answered 5 years ago

“Silver and blue as the mountain mist, ” . The ice on the mountain looks like a silver coating and the blue sky covers the top of the mountain. The mixture of the two colours are as pure as the bangles on the young unmarried women. 

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Srijita Mandal answered 5 years ago

The poet describes three types of coloured bangles meant for the three stages of maiden’s wrist:-

Firstly, comes the childhood stage of a girl. The coloured bangles meant for them are silver and blue which reflects the mountains and clouds. It symbolises innocence, purity and chastity of the girl.

The next stage is the adolescence stage and the bangles meant for them are pinkish and reddish colour. The poet compares the girl of this stage with the buds which are yet to blossom like beautiful flowers.

Next comes the youthful stage for which the greenish colour is best suitable. The shining clear dew drops on the new born leaves symbolises the beauty and freshness.

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Pami gupta answered 4 years ago

Sliver and blue color bangles are fitting for maidens’ wrist as it metaphorically symbolizes purity and chastity.

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Tiyasha Baidya answered 4 years ago

The bangle sellers have silver and blue coloured Bangles for the maidens. The silver and blue coloured bangles are like the colour of the mist of mountains. This suggests the blooming beauty of her growing age. The bangle sellers also have Bangles in shades of pink which refers to the buds which are yet to blossom like beautiful flowers. The shining, clear dew drops on new leaves symbolises the freshness and the beauty of young maidens who the silver bangles are suitable for.

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