What significance does the line “A year ago on this very day” hold in the context of the poem?

QuestionsWhat significance does the line “A year ago on this very day” hold in the context of the poem?
Gargi Jaiswal asked 7 years ago

What is the special significance of the line “A year ago on this very day” in the poem “The Patriot” by Robert Browning?

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3 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

The line “A year ago on this very day” in the first stanza of the poem “The Patriot” by Robert Browning is quite significant. In a flashback, the speaker is reminding of his pleasant past experience. That gives the readers a hint that he is probably now in a situation that is in complete contrast to the one he describes here. The words “on this very day” highlight the contrast even more. The readers are made prepared for something bad in the speaker’s life to be coming into light in the later part of the poem.

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Surabhi answered 6 years ago

The line “a year ago on this very day” is significant because it helps the readers to grasp the speakers glory filled past. This heroic state is then contrasted with his present disgraced state in the later part of the poem.

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Ananya answered 2 years ago

The above line signifies the contrast between the partiot’s situation in the present and past. In the past he was treated as a beloved hero while int he present he is seen and treated as a condemned traitor by the people.

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