Why is the speaker worried about the old man sitting there?

QuestionsWhy is the speaker worried about the old man sitting there?
Subir Das Roy asked 7 years ago

Why is the narrator worried about the old man sitting at the bridge in the story “The old man at the bridge” by Earnest Hemingway?

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1 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

It was a war-like situation as the Fascist forces were advancing towards Ebro. Our narrator was in the charge to cross a pontoon bridge to check the advancement of the enemy forces. Carts, trucks and people were crossing the bridge to get to a safe distance from the enemies. But he saw that the old man in dusty clothes was sitting there at the roadside for a long time. He seemed to be to tired to walk further. So, the narrator was worried that the man might get killed unless he gets to a safe distance.

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