Why did Joe consider light shining through the windows “a good omen”?

QuestionsWhy did Joe consider light shining through the windows “a good omen”?
Arif Jamal asked 7 years ago

Why did Joe Thompson consider light shining through the windows “a good omen” in T. S. Arthur’s story “An Angel in Disguise”?

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1 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

Joe Thompson put Maggie in the little chamber of his house before going to his shop. While returning in the evening, a light shining through the little chamber windows was the first object that attracted his attention. He considered the light to be a good sign because it indicated that his wife Jane Thompson might be there taking care of the poor little girl Maggie. Jane was a short-tempered woman and was not happy in Joe’s decision to take Maggie home after her mother’s death. But Joe was compassionate to the girl and wanted to convince his wife to keep the child with them. So, the light coming from the chamber aroused hope in his mind that his wife might have developed some soft corner for the girl.

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