How has Sarojini Naidu brought out the vibrancy of the bazaars of Hyderabad?

QuestionsHow has Sarojini Naidu brought out the vibrancy of the bazaars of Hyderabad?
Tina asked 8 years ago

The poet Sarojini Naidu brings out the vibrancy of an Indian market in her poem “In the Bazaars of Hyderabad”. Explain.

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1 Answers
Staff answered 8 years ago

Sarojini Naidu in her poem In the Bazaars of Hyderabad has brought out the vibrancy of an Indian market in British India to attract people to the native products and leave the foreign products that were entering the market at that time. All this was an agenda of the Swadeshi Movement, as a part of which this poem was composed.

Throughout the poem we can hear the trade-cry of various sellers like merchants, pedlars, fruitmen, flower-girls and all. We also see various colours like crimson and silvery turnbans, purple brocade, azure and red flowers, white flower and so on.

The smell of flowers, the tunes of music by the musicians, the chants of the magician, calls of various sellers, colourful presentation of a variety of products, and a lot of people buzzing around in the bazaar to see and buy those — all these can’t help but give the bazaar a lively and energetic charm. That is the beauty of the bazaar depicted in the poem.

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