Who do you think is responsible for the fly’s death?

QuestionsWho do you think is responsible for the fly’s death?
Pushpak Kumar asked 6 years ago

Who do you blame for the tragic end of the Fly in the poem “The Spider and the Fly” by Mary Botham Howitt?

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3 Answers
Staff answered 6 years ago

In Mary Howitt’s poem “The Spider and the Fly” the Fly met her tragic end due to her own foolishness. It was not that she did not know the consequence of stepping into the Spider’s parlour. She was well aware of the Spider’s evil intentions and that is why she refused all the initial offers of the Spider.

But vanity is a dangerous thing, and the Spider used that as his choice weapon to flatter the silly Fly. She could easily get away from the place when she sensed the danger for the first time. But she did not, and rather got carried away very easily at the flattering words of the Spider. She got lost in the thought of her own beauty when she unknowingly came closer to the Spider and thus came her fall. Therefore, I do not think that there is any doubt about it that the fly herself was responsible for her tragic end.

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Xoxo answered 5 years ago

The Fly itself was to blame for the tragic end as she was aware of the spider’s intentions but was wondering that the spider was kind after listening to all the flattery praises by the Spider.

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Bhawna answered 4 years ago

Spider is responsible for fly’s death as spider was giving fake complements to the fly so that the fly will stay there and spider will eat her.

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