What are the four ways in which the spider tries to lure the fly?

QuestionsWhat are the four ways in which the spider tries to lure the fly?
Ridham garg asked 7 years ago

Briefly mention the four ways in which the spider tries to lure the fly in Mary Howitt’s poem ‘The Spider and the Fly’.

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1 Answers
Staff answered 6 years ago

In Howitt’s famous poem ‘The Spider and the Fly’, the spider uses four ways to lure the fly —

  • Firstly, the spider extends to the fly a charming invitation into his home, mentioning its ‘winding stairs’ and ‘many pretty things’.
  • Then the spider feigns concern for the fly. He pretends to fret over how tired the fly must be and offers her a respite from the day’s activities upon his little bed.
  • Thirdly, he tries to manipulate the fly into feeling guilty for not accepting his many gestures of friendship. He again mentions his ‘pantry good store of all that’s nice’.
  • And last but not the least, flattery is the spider’s go-to way, his choice weapon. He compliments the fly’s wit and wisdom, her gauzy wings and her bright eyes. This time, the spider is successful in luring the fly.
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