After reading the poem ‘Where the mind is without fear’ what do you think about the state of country at this moment?

QuestionsAfter reading the poem ‘Where the mind is without fear’ what do you think about the state of country at this moment?
Neeta gopani asked 7 years ago

After reading Rabindranath Tagore’s poem ‘Where the Mind is Without Fear’ what do you think about the present state of the country? Do you think that the poet’s wish has been fulfilled?

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1 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

In this poem Tagore dreamt of a heaven of freedom for his country where people would be fearless, knowledgeable, rational, united, truthful, hard working and broad minded.

A lot has happened since then, but we haven’t achieved the heaven. Though our country has achieved freedom, it’s been mere political freedom, not the spiritual one that Tagore wanted. Still we see the divisions among people based on their caste, class, religion and such baseless things. The country is still dipped in superstitious beliefs, corruption, illiteracy and poverty. Hence, Tagore’s wish has not been fulfilled yet.  That is why we find the poem equally relevant today.

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