Narrate what happened after the young boy was brought to his feet.

QuestionsNarrate what happened after the young boy was brought to his feet.
Deepak kumar asked 7 years ago

Narrate the incidents that took place after the fallen athlete was brought to his feet in David Roth’s poem “Nine Gold Medals”.

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3 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

As narrated in the poem “Nine Gold Medals”, after the young athlete was brought to his feet by the help of the other contestants, they all walked hand in hand to the finishing line of the racing event. Then all of the nine athletes were awarded a gold medal each for their beautiful display of empathy, cooperation and collaboration in this world of competition, enmity and hostility.

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Param Canada answered 5 years ago

After the young boy rised to his feet, All the athletes joined their hands and changed the race into a walk and all of them crossed the finishing line together and won a gold medal each for their act of compassion and love for fellow competetor.

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Poulami das answered 5 years ago

As explained in the poem “Nine Gold Medals”after the young boy was brought to his feet by the help of other 8 athletes they all walked together by joining their hands to hands and make the race into a walk and crossed the finishing line of the racing event.They all are awarded a gold medal for their wonderful act of cooperation, sympathy kindness.

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