How was the suspense built up before the competition in Nine Gold Medals?

QuestionsHow was the suspense built up before the competition in Nine Gold Medals?
Tania asked 7 years ago

Show how a sense of suspense was built up before the final competition, the race began in David Roth’s poem “Nine Gold Medals”.

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3 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

The suspense was built up with loudspeakers calling out the names of the runners who would take part in the one-hundred metre run and the nine athletes standing there ‘determined and poised for the sound of the gun’. Spectators were eager to see who wins the gold medal.

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Khwaish Bhatia answered 5 years ago

They (spectators) were in suspense to see all those who have taken part in the competition and who will win this was the suspense.

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Chhavi Agarwal answered 5 years ago

The suspense is build up by the spectators who were watching the race. They build up the suspense as they wanted to know who would be the winner of the race.

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