A Horse and Two Goats Questions and Answers

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QuestionsTag: A Horse and Two Goats
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Describe the rural life as described in R. K. Narayan’s short story ‘A Horse and Two Goats’.

Last updated September 2, 2020

45555 views1 answers66 votes

Investigate the themes in the story A Horse and Two Goats by R.K. Narayan and how they are developed.

Last updated May 30, 2020

53491 views1 answers26 votes

How was the Big House different from the other houses in Kritam village as described in R. K. Narayan’s short story ‘A Horse and Two Goats’? What is its implication?

Last updated December 14, 2019

16064 views2 answers7 votes

Explain the theme of wealth vs poverty as shown in the short story A Horse and Two Goats by R. K. Narayan.

Last updated June 13, 2019

19326 views1 answers12 votes

What desires did Muni have or express in the story “A Horse and Two Goats” by R. K. Narayan? Were they fulfilled? How?

Last updated December 29, 2018

10703 views3 answers3 votes

Explain the theme of education, ignorance, knowledge and wisdom as shown in the short story A Horse and Two Goats by R. K. Narayan.

Last updated September 18, 2018

18204 views1 answers6 votes

Who do you think is the central character — Muni or the horse in the short story “A Horse and Two Goats” by R. K. Narayan?

Last updated July 28, 2018

20344 views1 answers25 votes

Why did Muni ignore his cronies in R. K. Narayan’s short story “A Horse and Two Goats”?

Last updated May 22, 2018

7419 views1 answers2 votes

As Muni said to the stranger in R. K. Narayan’s story “A Horse and Two Goats”, what will happen after the Kali Yuga?

Last updated February 25, 2018

9393 views1 answers1 votes

What was Muni’s dream in R. K. Narayan’s story “A Horse and Two Goats”?

Last updated February 12, 2018

14724 views1 answers5 votes