Comment on the opening of the poem A Doctor’s Journal Entry

QuestionsComment on the opening of the poem A Doctor’s Journal Entry
Anonymous asked 8 years ago

Comment on the opening of the poem ‘A Doctor’s Journal Entry for August 6, 1945’ by Vikram Seth. What’s special about this opening?

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2 Answers
Staff answered 8 years ago

The poem opens with calm and serene note totally contrary to the horror that comes the next moment. This ironical opening is to create a strong sense of disturbance or loss that the explosion causes.

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mustafa answered 7 years ago

The opening of the poem is the total opposite of what is going to happen in the next few minutes. The poet says that it is a calm, beautiful and warm morning i.e. a pleasant weather. But suddenly a flash appears due to the nuclear bomb explosion which changes the whole weather and the atmosphere.

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