Is the poet idealistic in her quest for love?

QuestionsIs the poet idealistic in her quest for love?
Anonymous asked 8 years ago

Do you think that the poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning is idealistic in her quest for love as expressed in her sonnet ‘If Thou Must Love Me’?

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3 Answers
Staff answered 8 years ago

Yes, the poet is idealistic in her quest for love. It’s rather natural to fall in love just for a woman’s look, smile or gentle nature. To love for love’s sake (unconditionally), though not impossible, is neither easy nor realistic enough.

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Ankita answered 7 years ago

Yes the poetess is really idealistic in her quest for love.According to her ,her lover must shower her with unconditional love,he should not get drawn away by her outer beauty but should embrace the beauty of her soul.He should love her for love’s sake.Though in reality its too tough to love one unconditionally but its not impossible

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Viva Vega answered 7 years ago

Yes the poet is idealistic in her quest for love. She says that her lover should not love out of pity.She asks Robert Browning should not love for her beautiful looks h,her smile,her way of speaking. She wants  her lover to love her unconditionally.

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