Indianness in Naidu’s poem ‘In The Bazaars of Hyderabad’

QuestionsIndianness in Naidu’s poem ‘In The Bazaars of Hyderabad’
Anonymous asked 8 years ago

How is Sarojini Naidu’s poem ‘In The Bazaars of Hyderabad’ Indian in content and presentation?

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2 Answers
Staff answered 8 years ago

Sarojini Naidu’s poem ‘In the Bazaars of Hyderabad’ is, no doubt, an Indian poem in its thought and spirit. The variety of professions and the products are all Indian. The Products like purple brocade tunics, amber mirror-panels and jade dagger-handles represents the rich cultural tradition of India. The magician chanting spells, musicians playing sitar and sarangi, pedlars selling chessmen and ivory dice, maidens selling sandalwood and henna – all are essentially Indian.

The poet has presented a typical Indian bazaar where people from different kinds of profession have gathered to sell their products or show their skills to earn a living. Again, the use of the words like ‘bazaar’, ‘sitar’ and ‘sarangi’ , the use of simile like ‘frail as a dragon-fly’s wing’ are Indian in their origin and characteristic. Last but not the least, the very mention of the city of Hyderabad declares it as a poem essentially Indian.

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Swati answered 7 years ago

The setting of the story takes place in Hyderabad, an Indian city and the poem is written by Sarojini Naidu, an Indian poet. Instruments such as sithars and sarangis which are famous Indian instruments are mentioned here. Products such as saffron, tunics of purple brocade and turbans of crimson and silver are found in India. The Indian culture and spirit specially show us that the poem is indeed Indian!

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