What message does the poem Nine Gold Medals give?

QuestionsWhat message does the poem Nine Gold Medals give?
Dhyey Vachhani asked 7 years ago

What message does the poet convey in the poem ‘Nine Gold Medals’ by David Roth?

Or, What is the theme of the poem ‘Nine Gold Medals’ by David Roth?

Or, On reading the poem “Nine Gold Medals” what do the students learn about the values of kindness, cooperation and empathy?

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13 Answers
Sanjana Sridhar answered 6 years ago

The poem Nine Gold Medals is a beautiful poem depicting the companionship of all the 8 athletes. The runners have truly justified the spirit of Special Olympics with their gestures of empathy, sportsmanship and consideration. According to me the message of the poem Nine Gold Medals by David Roth is it doesn’t require for people to be from a country or a place to show kindness and sportsmanship. It also gives us a message that being selfless and helping others can do a lot of good not only to the person who is being helped but also to the person who is helping.

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Staff answered 7 years ago

David Roth’s poem depicts the human compassion and sportsman spirit eight differently abled athletes showed in a Special Olympics racing event. When one of the nine runners fell to the ground, the others stopped and came back to lift the fallen one and support him. This was an outstanding display of collaboration and cooperation, for which each of them was awarded with a gold medal. The message conveyed by the poet here is that the world now needs more cooperation and collaboration than competition.

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Subramanian answered 5 years ago

The poet conveys through the poem that we should be helpful, cooperating and we should understand other’s feelings.

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Hansika answered 5 years ago

The poem Nine Gold Medals celebrates the true spirit of sportsmanship, cooperation, collaboration and kindness towards other humans. The poet David Roth strongly emphasises on the fact that winning is not more important than participating. The generous and kind behaviour of the 8 athletes towards their fellow participant helped them win the applause of the spectators. Though each one of them had practised so hard for the event, when the youngest contestant falls down they put aside their efforts and continue to help the lad. This shows that the world today does not need competition but cooperation and collaboration with others. Hope it helps !!

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Prachi answered 5 years ago

The poem shows true sportsman spirt, compassion , and cooperation and how all the 8 athletes who practised so hard did not think for a moment and just turned back and helped the fellow participant.

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Biwan Vaibhav answered 4 years ago

The poem Nine Gold Medals is a beautiful poem depicting the companionship of all the eight athletes. The runners have truly justified the spirit of Special Olympics with their gestures of empathy, sportsmanship and consideration. According to me the message of the poem Nine Gold Medals by David Roth is it doesn’t require for people to be from a country or a place to show kindness and sportsmanship.

It also gives us a message that being selfless and helping others can do a lot of good not only to the person who is being helped but also to the person who is helping. It underlines the idea of empathy and human values. It gives us the message that what values most in life is the sense of sharing other’s pain and sorrow and trying to cheer up and encourage the weak and the fallen.

It presents an imaginary situation of a race in which contestants are ready to compete against one another to win the Gold medal. When they see a weak contestant fall down, they forget the desire to win the race. It was an imaginable and virtual presentation for the spectators on the field. They all help the weaker contestant to go hand-in-hand to the finishing line. They are all awarded gold medals in appreciation of upholding the true spirit of sports

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Khwaish Bhatia answered 4 years ago

This poem is of true sportsmanship. It underlines the idea of empathy and human values. It presents an imaginary situation of a race in which contestants were ready to compete against each other to win a gold medal. When they see a weak contestant fallen down, they forget the desire to win race. They all help the weaker contestant and go hand in hand to the finishing line. They all are awarded gold medals in appreciation of upholding true spirit of sports.

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Aadya answered 4 years ago

The central theme of David Roth’s ‘Nine Gold Medals’ is the spirit of empathy, selflessness and true sportsmanship. In today’s world, competition is at an all time high. In this competitive spirit, we are taught to be ruthless in our approach and stop at nothing to achieve victory. We often forget the human values of compassion and co operation. David Roth’s poem acts as a source of inspiration, reminding us the importance of feelings of brotherhood and camaraderie, and the spirit of collaboration.

In the poem, the eight other athletes readily let go of their own dreams and ambitions in an attempt to help the ninth athlete to secure his dreams. Through this magnificent act of selflessness, the poet tries to convey to us the true meaning of sportsmanship. We should have compassion for those around us who are in pain and are suffering, and make an effort to sympathise with them and help them. Healthy competition is essential, but we shouldn’t be blinded by our ambitions to such an extent that we forget to think about others. Thus, through his poem ‘Nine Gold Medals’, Roth teaches us the importance of unity, brotherhood, generosity, compassion, selflessness and the spirit of sacrifice.

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vyxr ldZrjn answered 3 years ago

The poem shows true sportsman spirt, kindness and cooperation and all the 8 athletes who practised so hard did not think to win the race alone and just turned back and helped the small boy how had fallen down.

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Kruthika M G answered 3 years ago

Theme: What the world needs now is not more competition but more cooperation and collaboration.

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Isha Shaw answered 2 years ago

This line reflects that the objective of sports is not only to win medals but also to include the values of empathy and compassion. Empathy is the ability to put oneself to another’s shoes. One look at the following contestant had forced them to think ‘what would I have felt if if I had fallen’, so they knew exactly what to do. They empathised with him. The contestants came together as a group, they stood by each other, and walked together to the finishing line, and all of them won a gold medal.

By awarding gold medals to each of them, the authorities honoured the display of empathy and human values. The poem celebrates human value pertaining to kindness, cooperation, compassion, empathy and true sportsmanship.

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Shankar Nath Paul answered 2 years ago

In the poem Nine Gold Medals by David Roth, in the course of the 100 meters race when the youngest athlete fell on the ground to his knees, the other eight athletes in an outstanding show of empathy stopped running and returned to help him to his knees. At the end nine of them link arms and walk to the finishing line.This poem displays grat human compassion. The poem celebrates the spirit of care and compassion. But the main message which is conveyed by the poem to its readers is that, what the world needs today is not more competition but excess cooperation and collaboration.

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Arait_666 answered 1 year ago

Amidst the cut-throat competition the eight other athletes at least truly display the act of companionship, collaboration cooperation and true spirit of sportsmanship. They forgo their quenching desire to be the sole winners of the gold, silver and bronze medals in the Special Olympics and help the young lad.

It also implies that it doesn’t require for people to be of a same country or background to show kindness and sportsmanship towards others. One shouldn’t be blind by their ambition to such an extent that they forget to think about their peers. It also gives us the message that what is most valuable in life is the sense of sharing others’ pain and sorrow and trying to cheer up and encourage the weak and the fallen. And that being selfless and helping others can not only do good for the person who is being helped but also to the person who is helping.

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