How has the poet used the seasons to show two contrasting phases in Vasavadatta’s life?

QuestionsHow has the poet used the seasons to show two contrasting phases in Vasavadatta’s life?
Afra asked 5 months ago

Rabindranath Tagore in his poem “Abhisara – the Tryst” has used two different seasons to show different phases of Vasavadatta’s life. Discuss how and why has he done so.

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1 Answers
Staff answered 5 months ago

Two meetings between Upagupta and Vasavadatta occurred about a year apart. The first encounter happened in August during the rainy season when Vasavadatta stumbled upon Upagupta, while the second one took place in April, during springtime. Both meetings took place at night.

During their first meeting, the sky was dark and stormy with lightning and thunder. In contrast, during their second meeting the nature was more cheerful, with a bright full moon, the sweet sound of a flute, and birds chirping.

Interestingly, the atmosphere in both scenes contrasted with Vasavadatta’s life situation. Vasavadatta, the young beauty starred with jewels during their first encounter found herself in a nightmarish situation later in her life when she was struck with black-pestilence with her body spotted with sores and she was driven away from the city.

This might be the poet’s way of showing how people’s fortunes can change over time and that the world around us may not always reflect our inner feelings and the state of life we are in.

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