How apt is the title of the poem Why I Like the Hospital?

QuestionsHow apt is the title of the poem Why I Like the Hospital?
brinda asked 9 months ago

Justify the title of Tony Hoagland’s poem “Why I Like the Hospital”.

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1 Answers
Staff answered 9 months ago

The title of the poem “Why I Like the Hospital” by Tony Hoagland is just and apt because it directly reflects the poet’s perspective and presents a seemingly paradoxical sentiment. At first glance, one might assume that the hospital is a place associated with illness, pain, and suffering, and therefore, it seems counterintuitive to like such a place. However, the title suggests that there are reasons behind the poet’s fondness for the hospital, which intrigues the reader and invites them to delve deeper into the poem to uncover these reasons.

By choosing this title, the poet challenges conventional expectations and prompts readers to consider alternative perspectives. It also sets the tone for the poem, indicating that it will explore the poet’s personal experiences and insights regarding the hospital, offering a unique and possibly unexpected viewpoint.

When the poem begins, we start realizing that the poet is actually ironic with the title. Here he criticizes the vain modern society where people are not supposed to openly express feelings like sadness and agony. And a hospital is the only place which allows you to convey those feelings shamelessly.

Again, as the poem progresses, we see the speaker criticizing the utter carelessness shown to the patients and also how they are forced into loneliness there. That makes us ultimately feel that the hospital is not at all a place to be liked and the poet’s use of the title thus seems more ironical.

Thus, the title of the poem “Why I Like the Hospital” fits well with both the theme and the tone of the poem.

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