Have we achieved the ‘heaven of freedom’ after 70 years of independence?

QuestionsHave we achieved the ‘heaven of freedom’ after 70 years of independence?
Priyansh asked 7 years ago

After 70 years of independence have we achieved the ‘heaven of freedom’ that the poet Tagore envisioned in his poem Where the Mind is Without Fear?

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1 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

No, it’s very clear that we haven’t achieved that heaven of freedom that Tagore talked about in his poem. Actually the poet’s vision was on an idealistic domain and unlikely to be achieved literally in the real world.

Though all his wish has not been fulfilled, definitely there are some success. More people now have access to education, they have been fearless in fighting against the external forces, they have been more logical and so on. Though there are the curses of caste systems, superstitions, mean-mindedness and disunity still present, those are gradually decreasing. Finally, we’ve got to be optimistic and change ourselves first. Only then the nation can change.

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