Where can I get the textbook and workbook for the ICSE drama ‘The Mousetrap’?

QuestionsWhere can I get the textbook and workbook for the ICSE drama ‘The Mousetrap’?
Arathi Alexander asked 8 years ago

I am looking for details of where I can get the textbook and workbook for Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap which has been included as a Drama option for the 2019 ICSE English Paper 2

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1 Answers
Staff answered 8 years ago

It looks like the students’ version of the books are not yet out in the market, as the syllabus is still new. Hopefully you will get that in a few weeks. But if it’s urgent, you may get a kindle version or even the original paperback copy (the price is high enough at Rs.895) from the Amazon store.

Further, at Englicist, we will publish notes on the drama and answer your questions on it. So, feel free to ask your questions on the drama here.

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